Monday, March 28, 2011


OH - I almost forgot. Henry (my car - for those of you who have been living under a rock and didn't realize that was his name) hit 100,000 miles this morning! Ari and I hopped in the car this morning and he was at 99,996 - so we decided to drive around for an extra two miles just so we didn't miss this monumental moment. Congrats Henry - let's hope for many more!



Sidenote: I owe the world a post about a certain aggressive fish/lack of aggressive fish. Coming soon.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Internet is as slow as a...
Also, c-ya later bracket -- HIbracketFAIL... the madness!

Luckily we get a few days off from the craziness... my nerves/heart/etc can't take much more of this stress...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Soooo per ushe, I've rejected my blog for a bit. I really had a great streak going there for awhile but old habits are hard to break and alas - it's been over a week since I've posted a single piece of pointless information. Anyways, let's see...

Currently home on Spring break - nothing crazy to report.

1) I had a touch of pneumonia/bronchitis in the beginning of the week, but went to the docs, got some meds and am as good as new.
2) Got a new pair of glasses... they're red on the outside and are black with white polka dots on the inside. < / super cool>
3) MARCH MADNESS. I've been spending 8+ hours glued to the TV watching my bracket fall apart. KBYE Nova, Georgetown and Louisville. What is going on, Big East?
4) MAISYMAISYMAISYMAISYMAISY! <3 except she peed on my floor this morning - therefore we are fighting. But previous to that, we've had some great walks together with friends. She also looks really good in sunglasses.
5) Saint Pat's Day. Green. Fun. Basketball.

Last day at home and back to Ith tomorrow. 8 weeks left until summer? I'll take it. KBYE. Must mentally prepare for today's games.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Sunday, March 6, 2011


Just a bunch of shoes, really.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


One of my favorites... ha!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


First and foremost, I'd like to apologize to my blog readers for my lack of posting yesterday. I know you were all disappointed/continuously refreshing this page anxiously awaiting a new post. But unfortunately, the internet decided not to work in our house and therefore, my ability to post was hindered. I'm really peeved about it too, especially since I had not missed a day of blogging the WHOLE MONTH OF FEBRUARY. Monumental, I know...

In any event - today was the first day of classes for ICPT after returning from our affils. All-in-all, an okay day.

Class number 1 - Research II. Held my interest for the whole hour and fifteen minutes! Let's see how long that lasts...

Class number 2 - Pharmacology. We watched THIS video.

I think I'm going to nerd out (even more so) in this course. I'm excited.

Class number 3 - Pyschosocial Aspects of Patient Client Care. We watched THIS video. Pretty friggin' impressive and inspirational, if you ask me.

Following classes, had a great 4 mile run followed by a solid game of basketball. Great way to kick off the semester.